RE:RE:Membership of Arkansas Bar will add $500K+ of annual revenueThe last big contract was with silver mining and they were saying 4000 users.<br /> <br /> We've had a couple of smaller contract so lets say we are about + 10 000 since the last couple weeks.<br /> <br /> Thats potentially 1 200 000 $ a year in revenue.<br /> <br /> My personnal opinion, contrary to what some have posted here, is that SIlver and Arkansas bar have gotten incitative deal for early adopters.<br /> <br /> I dont know a lot about business but I would assume they have gotten something like a 3 to 5 $ rebate per user....<br /> <br /> So I would estimate the revenue is something around 600 000 and 850 000 a year.<br /> <br /> AGAIN, I'm no expert lol, please share if you have other ideas or even better, FACTS !<br /> <br /> glta<br /> <br /> <br />