This is pure BSU.S. Long Island Ice Tea changes its name to Long Island Blockchain and the stock goes up $4.86/199%, But a company doing real blockchain deals and lots of them like DM sits at .40 cents.
something drastically wrong with the North American marketplace.
i hope the SEC halts those tea baggers, they did to CRCW the other day, it was going up hundreds of dollars a day.
More effort has to go into marketing to the U.S. , they are starved for real blockchain/Crypto listings because they are all here and no one down there knows about it, it seems, unless of course you go on the BTL board, they seem to have managed to catch the eye of many Americans cause I see them posting in there and talking about it.
Can’t wait till Datametrex has another 30 deals under their belt and goes for a Nasdeq listingand changes its name to Molson Blockchain