RE:All I want is TGIF sharesDon’t underestimate what BAMM has built to date. It has a 20,000 sg ft facility now, and 50,000 sg ft by end of 2018. Revenue for 2017 of $5 million, $20 in 2018. Edible products in 70% of Vegas dispensaries. Heck, if TGIF didn’t like what they see in BAMM, this deal would not happen, AND they would not appoint Robert Hasman as President. Clearly TGIF likes BAMM and visa versa. If the deal does not close, which it will, BAMM can stand on its own feet and make it a go. In any event, as a standalone BAMM cap should be $115 million or around $2.00 a share. Sooo, holding BAMM has limited downside risk.