Theres a pattern hereOur future is looking better and better with each news release. The pattern of these news releases over the past year or more is always an initial roll out of a product. Almost every NR says this is either the first phase or an initial contract. Whether there's a price to it or not its what they say between the lines that gets me excited. We all know the market is just starting to turn towards our products and the whole sattelite idea. These contracts are all from costomers who are just starting to get their systems moved over to the IDC way of doing things.
The way I see it is these are all just the start. Every one of these contracts will explode into bigger contracts when the ball gets rolling on sattelites. These smaller contracts with major companies will turn into major contracts once the industry realizes where the market is going. It may be a slow process but it will happen. If IDC can stay ahead of the market then all these costumers will be back to roll their entire system over to the Superflex or what ever IDC's next product will be. By then it will become a race as to see who can be the first to do all their networking over sattelite because they will look like the lead in the market. And we will be sitting pretty good as they are all knocking on IDC's door for products.
Just sit back and wait for the day to come. And its on its way.