Short term catalysts for those non believersI personally believe once we have attained our license, launched the telemedicine app and start licensing the ai software we should have our marketcap where WEED, ACB, and all major LPs are at
1. They filed a patent for their grizzly eclipse modular vaporizer and sent them out to celebrity and test users which all gave positive feedback. Huge demand for this will greatly increase profits as margins are better. Official news release will help us run
2. They have another unique product being manufactured which will be revealed next year.
3. They have their official launch of their namastemd platform on ios and andriod devices
4. Cannmart sales license in february
5. Multiple supply agreements to come
6. They can license their ai machine learning technology to other companies. Major lps testing it out come january hope to see news on that.
7. Tsxv uplist in progress this should give us a big boost can be anytime now
8. December numbers maybe not as big as novembers but who knows
9. Namaste 420 live stream on wednesdays have been crucial little surprises like today with david hyde can give us a boost in demand on namaste stocks.
10. The potential of exponential growth with vaporizer sales, sell their grizzly eclipse through other vendors, telemedicine referrals, selling a wide variety of cannabis and the ever evolving potential of rec with footprints in other major countries which can be duplicated with the canadian process we are looking at a monster in the making with little overhead costs once we setup our foundation
11. Forgot celebrity endorsements through supreme and our own strain potentially.
Soo many in such a short time if you have any to add by all means reply