BTW.RE debentureMy understanding of the loan agreement (many nakes for these loan instruments but at the end of the day they are all "LOANS and MUST be resolved at some point before the conversion deadline of Jan 15) stipulates the holders must act BY jan 15 2018. This means they are activly selling or converting to shrs (if they want to) or out right taking the cash and run. They are likely selling some of their holdings, BUT....they are just like US.
They don't want to sell at $4 when it might go to $40 F#$%cK..........relax everyone.
Some selling is by them, of course, they want some SUGAR like all of us. But they only represent a small portion of the traders out there.
AND BELIEVE ME ...they are NOT selling all "several million shrs" They want their 10 million (or whatever it is) to turn into 100s of millions. They are JUST LIKE US they want the BIG pay day. AND we may know much more than even them about what's going on.
Rookies should not be on these boards at all.......I know it is hard not to look but try. The promoters in here are hGOOD and will install "seeds of doubt" these "seeds" will eat away at you untill you sell (or buy). Stay strong and BELIEVE in your gut! And of course solid common sense trading practices. And REMEMBER...nothing goes straight up forever.....not even BITCOIN not even Canopy.and a 10% profit for the whole year in a stock portfolio is considered hard to do overtime. SO......stay close to the ground everyone. I've been trading as a rookie for 20 years, these are unusual days indeed... 1999 anyone????.....
Have a good trading year.
Marc DaRookie
Head Trader In charge of All Bull#$sh#$t