RE:20182018 will be the year for ALL investors to be rewarded in a big unforseen , unimagined way. At this level it is the lotery . All of us will win here at ACB.
Watch for the Big investors that will shake the tree. You can see it when all the pot big stocks take a plunge. Dont sell on the plung, they just are trying to take your gains cheep. It is nothing for them to drop the stock to make it appear like the industry is tanking. IT WILL NOT. Not at this stage. You see red , do t let Emotion get you to hit that sell button and then you have nothing but a loss.
2018 this stock ACB will IMO take CMed , the stock will goto 14.00 withen 1 month. Then more big news with big investors . Push to 16.00 . But im looking longer years. I really have no idea, but one thing for sure this stock ACB will be for sure #2 if not #1 in the industry.