charge uphow many successful companies spent many years not making a profit...all of them. especially in a new space like lithium batteries. Lithium batteries will be one of the largest industries in the world, even bigger then oil and gas. we need to not be so short sighted. This market is so large and daunting, that any lithium battery producer, who has the will, will succeed. we all get so upset because we cant get rich quick, but eventually if the das guptas fail, they will have to step down and a new round of managment can take over.
i know china bak battery has floundered for many years as well...cbak, a lithium battery producer on nasdaq. yet the company contiues... even samsung had its problems with lithium, loosing 26 billion from exploding phones.. Panasonic has declared lithium batteries to be thier main focus, and profit is up...but panasonic cant supply eveything... i think the fact of the matrter is, is our short sighted, profit seeking minds cant grasp the unknowns. the unknown contracts, the unknown developments, the unknown successes that will be possible if we just keep chugging along...2018 is going to be an interesting year.