VieMed robust business long term growth Hello P....., we have been retained by Viemed (VMD) as their Investor Relations Consultant. Please direct all future inquiries re VMD similar in nature to myself and I will do my best to answer them in a timely basis. At the same time Patient Home Monitoring (PHM) is no longer part of Viemed or vice versa and any inquiries related to PHM should be directed to Al Wallander, PHM CFO.
Thank you for your continued interest in Viemed. The Company began to trade as its own legal entity on Friday, December 22nd. I will do my best to address your comment/question.
As I write this, VMD current share price is 2.13 which is equivalent to 21 cents on a pre 1/10 reverse stock split basis. PHM current share price is 17 cents. Thus, on a post-split basis and everything being equal (apple to apple comparison), the combined share prices of both entities should be viewed as 38 cents, which from a value standpoint is higher than the 30 cent share price pre-split on Dec 21st. Thus, at this exact moment, the combined investments in both companies on a short term basis have resulted in a valuation bump for shareholders who owned PHM pre-split on Dec 21st. Since you are a shareholder of both businesses, this is just a comparative example to your comment/questions and can change by the end of trading today either to the upside or downside. You have already seen wide swings in the valuation of both businesses.
That said, both businesses now have to deliver on their independent business plans to shareholders long term. Going forward, we can only discuss Viemed as PHM is its own separate company. As mentioned, please contact Al Wallander re PHM questions.
VMD has a very robust business plan designed to deliver long term growth and value to shareholders and are presently building out an Investor Relations strategy with Bristol to communicate this plan during 2018 and beyond. This will include a new investor deck, website and strategic IR initiatives including regular material reporting on news items, earnings calls and other relevant material events.
I hope this addresses your comments and I would be happy to answer any questions which you may have from time to time.
Glen Akselrod
Bristol Capital Ltd.
250 Rodinea Rd, 2nd Floor
Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4P5
Telephone: (905) 326-1888 ext 10
Fax: (905) 695-6176