Rick 1952 last time : Why are you surprised?Hey Rick, Why are surprised when your posts get deleted? You have a right to your opinion but opinion and fact are far from being related. Got to be careful what you say it can be looked upon as fiction. Rick 1952 Last time The last time I had anything to say, that was construed as negative toward Alen Lone, my post was deleted, and my account was suspended for a week. Personally, I think that action was unfair to me, and to the rest of the shareholders of AAO. As a shareholder, I believe I have the right to an opinion, and if that opinion is based on percieved facts, that it is valid, and should not carry with it, any sort of retribution, from anyone! In keeping with Alen Lone's total disrespect for his shareholders, he buried the news of the AGM in the last paragraph of the contract announcement. He has postponed the AGM, again, this time 9 days before the proposed date of the AGM. Last time he postponed the AGM, his reason was because of overwhelming shareholder interest in attending the AGM, and Dec, 29, 20117, was just bad timing for too many shareholders to attend the meeting. This time, he is blaming the postponement of the fact that he is not ready with the details of Spinco. In his total lack of transparencey, and straight forward honesty as a CEO,, why wasn't the news of the AGM delay, released as a piece of material news, on it's own, which is certainly meritorious on it's own. As for the details of Spinco having to be finalized, he is not dealing with an amalgamation with another company, where negotiations are taking place and perhaps a difference of opinion in the details is posing a roadblock. It is an internal thing, and,,, is it so convoluted in it's structure that the lawyers can't find a way to make it look legitimate? just a question, but one that needs to be asked at this point. It is my feeling that Alen Lone should be replaced as CEO of AAO, and replaced with someone, that can lead this company to where it belongs. Someone that understands what true transparencey means, and also understands that this is a public company and the CEO serves at the pleasure of it's shareholders, not the other way around. Read more at https://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=fbop&postid=27278039#Xh0kSibru6O8UWIC.99