Orange TreeAs shareholders we have much to be thankful for. In times of high volatility, it's good to review Marathon's positives. From the technical report:
Resource Highlights: Overall increase in Measured & Indicated gold resources and Inferred resources of more than 30%
88% of the Measured and Indicated gold resource is pit shell constrained
Average discovery cost of $14 per new resource ounce of gold.
First Quarter Plans: Two drills resumed drilling on the property yesterday to complete the 60,000 meter program by April
15,000 meters will be drilled with one rig focusing on drilling the frozen bogs where no previous drilling has taken place and the second rig will focus on expanding the known resources
The PEA is on track for completion in the second quarter of 2018
“Valentine Lake now hosts the largest gold resource in Atlantic Canada." (3 million ounces +)
Every morning I look out my kitchen window, and I see my neighbor's orange tree, just loaded with oranges, and I thank God for the orange tree; for life and the chance to win here.