Telkwa facility under construction since 2014Current status of facility on their website says...
- Retained PSI to design and construct a state of art growing facility with 1st phase started with 30,000 sq ft.
- Expect to complete the construction by the end of 2017.
Current status If you think they are behind schedule in 2018 (still talking about building just the foundation), go back to 2014 and the news releases talked about a facility that was already built...
"The Telkwa nursery has the potential for expansion of production capacity from the currently leased 80k square feet to an impressive 300k square feet plus. With a total of 52 separate, polyethylene-clad greenhouses on-site, the Telkwa facility gives Maple Leaf Green World a serious volume advantage over other market entrants when it comes to production scale, placing the company’s initial 7,000 KG (15.4k pounds) production target well within their striking distance." From 2014 It's been one delay after another with these guys. Current shareholders looking at another 12 - 18 months until construction is completed. Then if they do get cultivator license, another 18 months to receive sales license. Therefore, license and possible sales by 2020. Yes, go long. Very, very long.