8-02-2018 Date pour les warrantsTranslation at the bottom
Le compteur repart a ZERO concernant l echeancier possible pour l exercice obligatoire des warrants. La d
ate la plus rapprochee serait le
8 fevrier 2018 a laquelle NMX
peut contraindre les detenterurs de warrants d exercer leurs droits. Si l action ferme a plus de 2,25 $ a compter de demain pour 20 jours consecutifs. Cela est quelques jours avant l assemblee generale annuelle des actionnaires.
Un bon scenario pour les detenteurs de warrants.
The counter is re-issued to ZERO regarding the possible time frame for the compulsory exercise of the warrants. The closest date would be on February 8, 2018, at which NMX may compel the warrants to exercise their rights. If the firm action has more than $ 2.25 starting tomorrow for 20 consecutive days.
This is a few days before the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
A good scenario for the holders of warrants.