Acology did over $ 4 million USD in 2016 sales. Acology did over $ 5 millions USD in 2017 sales. Now, they are out of debt, expanded there partnerships and increased there supply/inventory for the California and Canada legalization. They have increased there product lines. They are in all of the pot shops in California, and do many online sales as well. They will be in all the Cannabbis stores in Canada as well, when the first stores open up. They hold the largest markeshare of bottlers/grinders in Canada, and the USA. They have partnerships with Aurora Cannabis, Organigram, and several other MJ companies. They also have partnershops with Boveda, and Kushtown Bottles. They have now expanded to Europe as well (Portugal, Spain, and Germany). The Medtainer is a USD FDA patented bottler/grinder. This means no one can copy there product, and they have intellectually property lawyers protecting there copyrighted products. They do business with the largest plastics companies in the world. 

They do not sell MJ. The sell the accessory products needed for MJ. 

They have now entered the CBD market in 2018, and will be producing CBD products, which will be the next biggest market. Also, the have a pending agreement with Health Canada making the Medtainer, the packaging solution of choice. They have been in talks with Shoppers Drug Mart too in Canada in regards to providing a small, simpler medtainer for the medical marijuana patients. Estimated sales for 2018 in my opinion will be in the $ 30 Million USD + range. Company is significantly undervalued. 

Goodluck current shareholders !!!  ACOL   - stock symbol