in the Omenica district. If any of you are interested check out
it's the BC governement Mineral Title Online site and if you have a FMC and are registered you can even stake a claim or two. If you happen to go and check out NNA's claims, go to the CWM Mineral map button. All the information is there regarding the claims and it is a huge claim package around Owen Lake just east of Nadina mountain park and just north-east of Huckleberry mines. You'll notice when you search the surrounding claim titles that most are recent 2017 stakings hoping to capitalize on the NNA discovery. You'll find them in "093L" and they cover 093L007/093L008/093L017/093L018. But I really doubt that the biggest complainers will even attempt to check this out because it requires some work, if you do, great, you'll have a much better idea and understanding of what you're holding.