The company issued a rather at length management disclosure on December 28th 2017 which included all activity that is ongoing and also in exact wording the status of where they are at with any testing or evaluations.
The one thing that you will also discover , especially on here and on Facebook is that people tend to discount exactly what the company is stating and tend to "self embelish" by adding a little more to the statements of the company. This adding of icing to the cake tends to cause a chain of chinese whispers. Case in point today from the twitter feed.
It stated CES is ON !
It then stated that Martin Cronin steps xxxxxx guy through the Las Vegas Development Center.
It shows a unit on a tripod with the power flex clearly hanging down.
Reading peoples interpritation of that is fascinating - I have seen that it was called a demonstration, I have seen people predicting that TSX are about to shut the stock off pending a huge announcement. Then someone stating here we go , and another making out that they are clearly going to distribute the product ?
Firstly the CES show was on. They state that they were there even in that twitter feed. Patriot never announced prior that they would attend the show to exhibit, likely because it doesnt fit ther. They stated that the the photo was at the test center. The exact wording on the company tweet is what it is.
There then of course is the clear pictures of antenna patches with no sma connectors to make them live and the power cord very visibly not connected.
Perfectly clear company statement with perfectly clear photograph - still ridiculous assumptions !
Company statements are the only news read propoerly is the only information you should base anything on.