
From left: Musician Paul Anka, world’s richest man, Carlos Slim, merchant banker Stan Bharti (F&M)

What else is a highfalutin mining promoter to do during a global resource downturn than tech deals, obviously.

Yesterday Stan Bharti’s Forbes & Manhattan (F&M), a Toronto-based merchant bank well known for their mining and energy promotions, announced that they had advised on a $60 million financing for Mobli, a social media image and video sharing startup, with the lead order coming from Carlos Slim’s America Movil, Mexico’s largest mobile carrier. Musician Paul Anka, who along with Larry King and Jim Rogers is a celebrity advisor to F&M, played a role in facilitating the transaction.

This is our first time hearing about Mobli, which raised $28 million previously from the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Serena Williams, and currently boasts 12 million users.

Junior mining analyst Brent Cook joked earlier this year (1:40 mark, here) that we would not be at a bottom in the resource markets until Stan Bharti started doing tech deals… We’ll here we are.

For comments from Mr. Bharti, Mr. Anka and Mr. Slim, check out Forbes & Manhattan’s press release: Forbes & Manhattan Congratulates Mobli on its Strategic Financing and Partnership with Carlos Slim and America Movil.