Fish153 wrote: If you use the best email encryption services available on the market today, you may encounter one or more of the following issues.
1.Do not support IMAP, SMTP, or POP3
2. Cannot send encrypted emails to nonusers
3. Not the easiest and friendliest secure email service to use
4 Little online storage
5. Keeps private keys on Mailfence servers
6. Email encryption code is not available for inspection as is the case with open source software
7. Cannot send encrypted email to everybody, only Mailfence or OpenPGP users
8. Cannot import contacts in bulk
9. Supports sending only plain text emails
Here is how I ID’s email encryption service differ from others.
1. Unlimited Secure Emails
2. Restrict Print/Forward
3. Restrict Download
4. Set Message Expiration
5. Recall Sent Messages
6. Discreet Read Receipts
7. Full Audit Trails
8. Secured Recipient Responses
9. Mobile-Friendly Web Portal
10. Branding Capabilities
11. Admin License Allocation
12. Enterprise Policy Enforcement
13. Secure Email Reporting
14. Delivery Trust has multiple convenient plugins to work within your existing email environment
15. Secure Scan
16. eSign
Patented Encryption Technology: This invention provides a user friendly, email encryption system allowing users to send and receive encrypted messages for registered and unregistered users. Encrypted messages can be sent to registered or non-registered users by transmitting the encrypted message to cloud system servers. The cloud system servers acquire certificates from certificate authorities or any end-to-end exchange of keys between the sender and the recipient of the encrypted message. For registered users, messages sent by senders are encrypted by the sender and sent to the cloud system servers which decrypt the message and re-encrypt the message with the recipient's key. For non-registered users, once the encrypted message is decrypted at the cloud system servers, another message is sent to the non-registered informing them that an encrypted message awaits them if they select a link in the message which allows them to log into the cloud system servers and view the original message.