RE:Marc Cohodes suing for $4 million for losses closing shortTraderBen wrote:
omg he was short when the stock was going to the moon and closed it in 2015? HUH?????
This story just gets better and better folks!
Discovery should be very very very interesting!
Ben, Cohodes doesn't seem to have the same effect on the stock he used to have. First of all, $4 million is peanuts. Second of all, he was short and closed his short in 2015 means he didn't have the conviction that he says he had in his whort. He has to have had 4 million in losses to sue for that, correct?
I just want to say I wish I can sue the management of every company that I have had losses. Not to mention that him badmoouthing every elected official in Canada is not going to work well for him when Trudeau's law school buddies are sitting on the bench making any ruling in Canada. All I can say is that Cohodes lawyer is probably his best friend now.. cha ching cha ching