RE:North Kora Stopes: AU, CU & DOLLAR Figures Lets do some quick and dirty Math.
Kora, per NR, has two veins, K2 and k1.
k2: Is 4 meters x 4 meters and 200 meters long
k1: is 4 meters x 3 meters and 150 meters long
Here is what we know of K2. Two initial cut and fill stopes were designed, which they started mining in December; 1185 OS and 1185 ON, each is 100 meters long and is being mined in 2 meter cuts, generating approx 2500 tonnes per cut per stope. so...
1185 OS : 100 meters length / 2 meter cuts = 50 cuts x 2500 Tonnes = 125,000 tonnes
1185 ON: 100 meters length/2 meter cuts = 50 cuts x 2500 Tonnes = 125,000 tonnes
125000 +125000 = 250,000 tonnes (That still leaves half of k2 unstoped)
We know that the first head grade of 2000 tonnes yieded 611 oz gold + 25 k Cu
So 2500, if grade holds it would yield = (611x(2500/2000))= 763 OZ per Cut per stope
so, if the grade holds true, the stoped K2 yields: 763 x 100 = 76,300 OZ.
This doesnt even incude the k1 vein (of which we dont know the grade yet. It doesnt include the Irumpafimpa mining, And even the k2 vein, only half has been shown in my calc. I havent even calculated the copper yied converted to Gold eq. So I cant see why they cant do a 100,000 oz.