RE:RE:RE:Getting Tight On CashYeah, they reported about $350k from those option sales in September, but I'm sure that would be in the " as of Sept 30" number in their financials. The # Kaiser is using is cash and cash equivalents which at the end of September was $11 million and change. The point is cash is liquid in the bank. Equivalents can be assets that are invested that would need to be sold. Cash has to be liquid to meet expenses like rent and payroll, and that's what's sinking. Not a crisis at all, but starting to be a concern. Check out this filling as of Sept 30....
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(Expressed in Canadian dollars – Unaudited)
2017 2016
Operating activities
Net loss for the period $ (2,320,685) $ (1,122,386)
Items not affecting cash and cash equivalents
Depreciation 40,651 10,566
Share based payments 620,669 369,868
Unrealized gains (losses) - 7,418
Changes in non-cash w orking capital
Receivables 14,598 (29,507)
Prepaid expenses and deposits (55,336) 9,337
Trade and other payables (19,494) 109,449
Total cash outflow s from operating activities $ (1,719,597) $ (645,255)
Financing activities
Proceeds from issuance of common shares $ - $ 15,154,749
Share issuance costs - (389,646)
Share subscription payable 37,500 -
Proceeds from exercise of stock options 45,000 -
Proceeds from exercise of w arrants 34,200 -
Total cash inflow s from financing activities $ 116,700 $ 14,765,103
Investiing activities
Purchase and equipment and vehicles $ (120,997) $ (21,435)
Deposits 15,732 (45,406)
Exploration and evaluation asset expenditures (3,334,459) (2,381,294)
Total cash outflow s from investing activities (3,439,724) (2,448,135)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents $ (5,042,621) $ 11,671,713
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 15,680,723 850,558
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 10,638,102 $ 12,522,271
Other non-cash items
Change in fair market value of available for sale financial assets $ 61,319 $ 148,391
Warrants issued in private placement - 1,248,776
Warrants issued as finders' fee - 67,731
Share issuance costs in trade and other payables - 800
Equipment in trade and other payables - 3,077
Exploration and evaluation assets in trade and other payables 35,943 410,731
Transfer to share capital on exercise of options - 80,533
Transfer to share capital on exercise of w arrants 6,170 485,176
Supplementary disclosures:
Interest received $ $
Cash 5,929,398 2,685,271
Cash equivalents 4,708,704 9,837,000
$ 10,638,102 $ 12,522,271
Six months ended September 30