Cash Concern?For having followed CUZ for a few months now and taking a position under $0.30, I couldn't be happier with the influx of news and positive outlook moving forward. I suppose my one concern for now is the cash position. It's been stated more than once recently that there is more cash in the bank now than at the start of any other year. Recent acquisitions/increased land holdings I'm sure took some money off the books, not to mention the (what seems to be) VERY agrassive approach to conducting field work on multiple projects. In all likelyhood, there's a solid chance cash on hand is certainly moving south. I agree that ground work to prove up resources is necessary to build share and company value, but you'd have to think a financing is in the not too distant future. On the plus side, more share value means higher placement value not to mention the low OS count. Things are looking solid here, keep the good times rolling.