GREY:RNSFF - Post by User
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IntotheFoxHoleon Jan 22, 2018 7:51pm
Post# 27412030
My opinion why there is no news...
My opinion why there is no news...My understanding of Hydraulic Fracturing is you drill one hole all the way down to the 3000 meter mark they are trying to hit. From there they have to install casing and inject cement to prevent contamination of water sources, this process is done multiple times. Once they reach the depth required they drill in multiple directions making multiple wells. From there they have to insert a perforating gun which basically punches holes in the piping and ground. Then they do hydraulic fracturing, this all takes a lot of time. Then for each well this has to be done. But you can have multiple wells on one hole so you're not exactly pulling oil from the ground until all wells are ready to roll.
Apologies if this doesn't explain it well but i also have a link to a youtube video which should help understanding how the process works. We will know a lot more i believe by march i say but i wouldn't expect a major news release in the immediate future. The very near future sure. This is a great investment IMO and will certainly pay out to those who can be patient. Hope this helps.