RE:20 cents end of January Lots of volume going down today, million shares between the Venture and OTC exchanges. I suspect Barrick will be addressing the Acacia situation in their upcoming quarterly report and conference call. I suspect Acacia won't be funding their share of the JV, and may be forced to withdraw. Question is, can they sell it? Transfer their interest to another party who might be interested in consolidating the area? There's a number of mid size producers in that area that might be able to cobble together the various projects into one main operation. A guy like Nordgold comes to mind. Already well established in Burkina Faso, their hitting a bump in their partnership with Columbus in French Guinea, meaning if they go thru with that development project it's going to need time. Local opposition, etc etc They're very frugal, they like to move quickly without partners, and know who's who in BF. Might be another sweet deal for them.