BBD: Bombardier Considers New Vehicle InventionHi everyone….here is a Canadian invention Armand Bombardier would have been proud of.
The vehicle is actually a battery-assist bicycle and it is called a velomobile.
Looks like a great opportunity for Bombardier to get back to its roots, and develop an entirely new vehicle category.
The vehicle was invented by a Canadian start-up company called VeloMetro.
Here is a link to their website: The company VeloMetro would probably be very interested in partnering with Bombardier to mass produce this vehicle for the global market.
The global market potential looks something like this:
Sales (annual) globally in 2016 are approx. 76 million automobiles.
Sales (annual) globally in 2016 are approx. 130 million bicycles.
Considering that the VeloMetro is a hybrid vehicle (bicycle/automobile), the sales potential for a VeloMetro-type vehicle is significant…millions of vehicles annually.
Here is an excerpt from a research report:
"Bicycle is an important mode of sustainable transportation providing environment, performance, and price benefits over the gasoline based vehicles. Bicycles possess features such as being eco-friendly, inexpensive and a healthy mode of transportation. Global bicycle market was valued at US$ 45.08 Bn in 2015 and is expected to witness a CAGR of 3.7% over the forecast period to reach
US$ 62.39 Bn in 2024."
So...who's gonna propose this idea to Bombardier??