any price right now is a good priceTo the average dude like me: If you guys are scared about losing money at this point in the game you shouldnt be investing. Just relax. its almost hilarious watching people cry about a stock dipping right now. Every time it dips you should be happy and BUYING MORE! Few weeks ago when ACB was at 14.50 it dipped to around 10 bucks, I sunk in another $25k (money I earned from last year gains). Didnt even think about it!!!! If I spent that time crying I would of lost out on a $13 price today. But I still wont sell, even when it hits $25! and if it went to 3 bucks, id buy again, and again and again. like honestly, just read the news, read what the companies are doing and stop listening to people just as unsure as you are and if not less educated on the matter. These companies want to succeed more than you do. When drug companies, beverage companies, private prisons, and police agencies (just to name a few) are lobbying against legalization in the USA because they know how much money they will lose by legalizing, that just shows you how big this market is and will be! THEY ARE SCARED! You think big investors that do this for a living spend time on here helping complainers and worry warts? and speaking of big investors they are happy with a 6% return! I just started investing last year and I had a 412% 12 mo tr. return. What the hell do I know nothing! but I did lots of research with countless hours and it pays off. Nothing in life is easy or certain, and you sure as hell wont find easy advice on a forum, this is about as good as it will get. High Risk is High reward (pun intended). If you cant afford or cant come to terms with losing all your money with worst case scenarios, DONT PLAY THIS GAME! INVESTING & EMOTION = DISASTER Thanks for reading my rant, I prob wont ever post again or read the ridiculous replies. Cheers and good luck to all of you!