I attended Ascenta's wine reception with Redzone presentingMet Mike Murphy, Craig Roberts and Cameron Bell. These guys are heavyweights, setting up their next big play and the market is just figuring it out.
I am amazed at the one key slide in their presentation and on the Fortner & Boyd section of their website, there is a google earth image of their two claims. If you blow it up and look closely, you can see in excess of 200 white dots within their property boundry.
I questioned their consulting Geo who gave part of the presentation and he confirmed the white dots are Pegmatite dykes and dyke swarms located all over their properties!!
They have two full time field crews out now mapping the entire property and sampling every single one of these exposed outcrops.
Taking into account that a few of these dykes already have had past production is a strong indication that they host economic mineralization based on historic pricing. Lookinf at today's stronger pricing, and the fact that we have around 200 visable outcrops to target on surface, this will be an exciting year for this company as they develop out this play and advance this project.
Enjoy the long ride everyone who found this so early!! Its going to get fun! LD