RE:RE:MATICA ENTERPRISES TO COMMENCE:Don't completely discredit this guy. He's jumping to conclusions, but fact is they are still in the "due diligence" stage of this LOI. I don't have the date on hand, but I believe this deal will go through. I'd expect a ground-breaking after revenue starts coming and a completed facility of much larger footprint around Q3 of 2019. It's a large project that I don't think they want to finance through a PP. maybe they will, but I have my doubts. The skinny of it is this... Baby steps. Don't start thinking about future plans until the immediate plans come to fruition. Every play has skeptics and over-eager investors. Find middle ground. Mmj is a great GREAT short term play. I've yet to decide if I keep my funds here or move on after licensing. Likely moving 75% to another play who's just a little slower getting there. But I'll leave at least 25% here to continue capitalizing on a great investment (at 14.5 cents). But for the record, LIB and LG will both eclipse Mmj before 2018 is over. Do your own research, but I've done 100's of hours on many companies and feel I have an extremely solid game plan with the 5 MJ plays in my portfolio. We'll see .70 tomorrow though. So good luck, long or short. Just don't get caught with your pants down here. There's more than meets the eye!