RE:Supreme Talked The Big Story...Who signs a fake name at the end of every post? Really? Thanks for your ingisht but thats just your opinion. And Im going to guess you really dont have an credibility so really youre just wasting peoples that time.
LuckyMeLuckyYou wrote:
just never walked the talk!
They pumped it like crazy , that H.C. was calling wanting to do an inspection but they delayed because they wanted to get it right so that they would come out of the gate sprinting instead of limping??? Instead while others crossed the finish line Supreme hadn't even left the gate. Then there was the "wal-mart" of marijuana, How the CEO (who moves slower than the Michellin Man) was to be a Super Hero. They cornered themselves into this B2B probably because J.F. was looking for an easier path..
I just don't see this as a winner going forward!!!