DuckDive..........................Did you write............
When it was new, he used to tweet all the time about Afriag and what a great investment it was.
If you did write the above news to me and I have been invested in it for 4 years.......
In the early days we never got many tweets from Dave L on AfriAG and it was difficult to find news on it, for many months I was the only regular poster on it......
IMHO you posted on AfriAG for over two years under the name of shylock, and when I proved you wrong on much detailed information you came out with bull.........
As time went by a poster michael 105 and I spent time hunting down the AfriAG HQ
m105 ? it was m105 that found AfriAG HQ not sure of user name but could easily find it, plus last time I checked he was still posting on ADVFN.......................
Just man up and say if you did or did not post on AfriAG under the name Shylock