affect on share priceToday's announcement says that the bought deal financing closes on Feb. 21. My guess is that Canaccord already has buyers lined up, but if not, I would think that in order to maximize this financing (which is the obvious goal), it would be beneficial to keep trading above $2 for the time being. Furthermore, those $2.40 warrants only sweeten the deal for the investors if they believe that the share price is heading back up OR if the warrants are already in the money by Feb. 21. I realize from a TA perspective that what goes up must come down and that gaps MUST BE FILLED DARNIT!... blah, blah, blah. However, something about today's financing seems different from the last one. Pat has really been accelerating things in terms of wanting to achieve their global reach in a short time frame. The media attention they are getting has been impressive And what's really new is the interest from our cousins south of us. I think we will hear some important news in the next few weeks to bolster both Canaccord's brokered deal and their own credibility. My guess is that they are counting on some news to be released. I hope that fundamentals kick TA to the curb.