doing wellVolume is not ballistic.....pretty sensible given the narrative of.....OOOOVVEERRR PPPRRIIICEEDDD SHHHARE PPPRICES...the audience pushes to the back of their chairs in ABBBBSSOOLLUUTTTE HHOORRROORRR....
Question is the market that over bought!!!!!...some stocks might reflect a degree of loftiness...but in view of potenial sales and the fact that Canadian companies are going to do extremely well when this goes legal I'd say there is a lot more room to adance share prices higher and still be able to sleep at night.
Lets fact it the old P/E ratios have just about doubled in the last 10-15 what was a 10 P/E ratio for a given stock in a industrial sector has ballooned to a 19-21 P/E ratio and many analyst are content with that today.....10-15 years ago it was a SEEELLLLL....too lofty for anyone.
Cannabis shares are in the wash rinse cycle right now......a lot of shares to move around into many accounts once they get hung out on the line to let the ink dry they'll comae back stronger and a lot of folks will have been fleeced of their profits.
stay's a quick storm but a nasty storm to some more than most.....the sun will come out again pretty soon..