RE:looks like they are getting busy !!!I have a different timeline listed
- 2016-03-31 58.47M
- 2016-12-31 81.66M
- 2017-03-31 87.93M
- 2017-06-30 96.66M
- 2017-11-30 104.67M 8M shares as listed in last ER!
- 2018-02-05 114.67M 10M shares added?
The magic of small number .. yeah, who likes that
- 115M @ 15c = $17.25M mcap
- 115M @ 23c = $26.45M mcap
These shares were probably added during the last pops I assume
at a more favorable price.
Whatever - JHT should better communicate progress
for the currently stretched timeline.
The only reason for silence as of now could be that they are still
working on this deal and results are imminent.
A negative outcome in either case (deals + financing) would need
to have been reported.
Good Luck to us