RE:Respite PennyGee wrote: Having been around awhile and totally enjoyed all the cheers and jeers. To me, this stock has now reached the lock-it-in-my-drawer-and-forget-it stage. Impatient shareholders can still sell the news and big guys can continue to shake the tree for cheaper shares from weak hands, no doubt about it. But not a single share from me before this stock moves up to $16.58 - sounds bold but it's a pretty high-conviction call for me. Spending lots of time on the road from tomorrow. Will miss you guys a lot - Bigreturn, kcac, Dave, Robert, Waiting, OnG(please do come back as I'll be away lol). Even start to miss Viking for the fun bickering ... Wake me up when TP is reached. Take care. PG
$16.58???? That's it?? Lol - i dont know if you are soft bashing or not??