I think, it will be an interesting day. Hundred of billions are leaving the market. Some special friends mentioned .......many trading houses where" trading" real terms.... not functioning well.
Real indicators of what can happen when it does not function? ...the reality of who will be "saved" the small ..or ...The Large players.... the large accounts. I digress, Rules? you must consider that they were never there in the last twenty yerars...think! a ding a ling example of trust and rules.
facts ... I see fear...why? The bubble is so all inclusive. Globally....You know and i know society wants more and more and no one is prepared to pay the bill..ever. In the Wall street journal....a young writer mentioned that they should cancel the student 1.2 trillion dollar debt....marvelous.
The 1.2 trillion was borrowed and spend.....hum...OK...Lets us just ask them to work for nothing for four years to pay back society...fair enought? Like a peace corp of long ago but here in our own country!! LOL...aint going to happen...folks....never. simple terms....either the masters buy the market or try to control an endless fall. Blame...the new President? think about it....
facts could become dangerous .... in the short term. We all sense this ....
Stay strong and be prepared.....there are no free lunches.....somewhere, someplace, some one worked to provide the real to say in simple words to a Gordian knot problem.
enough theoldmariner