RE:RE:RE:The problem with this company is the leadFred have you not listened to any of the communication releases provided by the company or CEO.
This is a company that has ploymetallic resources and they also have the ability to mine more of the specific metals depending on the prices of each metal. The company is in business to make money so with zinc and lead prices being so high ATM they will mine more of those metals and not burn through their valuable silver resources which make up the majority of their resource base thus they are called Americas Silver Corp. When silver prices move up in price the company will focus more on that metal by ramping up silver production by targeting higher grade veins.
Many other silver producers don't have this luxury and are burning through their silver resource base and losing money but destroying their silver resources when silver prices move higher.
I really like this company and the management team. I think you will to once we start hitting on all guidance expectations.