Namaste - Exponential Growth The deal with LCBO and Shopify today should not have any negative impact on Namaste’s share price. It was already determined that recreational sales for Ontario would be managed by the LCBO and that Namaste would focus solely on the medicinal market other than the provinces which allow for private online retail distribution. We are literally a week or two away from receiving our sales license and officially entering the medicinal market. I’m sure by now, NamasteMD has probably doubled their registered patients base and will look to continue growing that for months to come. There is no way medicinal patients will disappear once MJ becomes recreational. With doctors now prescribing MJ as a safer alternative to opioids and insurance companies including medicinal marijuana in their coverage plans, I don’t see medicinal patients disappearing anytime soon. With the above catalysts coupled with the fact that medicinal patients can order online from the comfort of their own home gives me reason to believe that Namaste has huge potential for exponential growth. Keep in mind that Sean has mentioned that they are bringing on some experienced board members in the eCommerce industry. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s someone from Shopify considering they do have an existing relationship with them.