Market capitalization verses market vaAt first glance,Eldorados market cap seem to be low,however when you quantify its liabilities to its steadily dwindling assets,a more accurate picture Mothballing a mine (this is not cheap). Reduction of milled ounces,combined with Eldorados need to finance and put into commission a newly acquired and overpaid for mine,and then you top that of with fast approaching financial obligations and higher production cost...Where's the good news????only speculation here,so why should you or I buy with this scenario unfolding? Some investors here,still maintain a strong buy rating...why???there is absolutely no optimism at this stage, If someone gave you a gold anchor,on a sinking ship,would you ever let go or would you ride it all the way to the bottom!!Please do not be one of the investors CRINGING when,at some later post,my headline will read,I TOLD YOU SO. With gold up we would never have made it back to $1.39 if we were not meant to dive right through it. PLease feel free to refute what I say(if you have evidence to the contrary), but let me remind you I am taking my position from Eldorados own news releases.I also do not see the need to attack me personally,but heh, whatever floats your boat.LOOK OUT BELOW!!!!!