My contrarian view why you must buy eld1 S/p is so low other miners must be eying these cheap assets. 2 Greece is not war torn, but financially troubled,therefore investment in their country is a must. 3. Eviromental safety is a priority for Eldorado ,thus I see no problem why permits will not be granted.4.Olympias phase two was just put into commercial production less then two months ago,and will add great results to their bottom line.5. Integra was a great deal,they owned a good portion of it anyway.6. If you study holes drilled at Lamaque and turkey,not counting the positive results from Romania and Greece, you got to be smiling.7. All technical studies from Lamaque,Skouries, and Kisladag will be finished in FIRST quarter.8. Eldorado has not just recently burst on the scene,but have been mining for decades.S/P should never have hit these lows,but long term holders will win out in the end.I personally think Eldorado is a top buy,but though Yamana gold has been frustrating (to say the least) I also think this company will do well in the long run.Goodluck,and may nothing but good fortune come your way,and I mean that to ALL.!!!!!!