Barkingdog and PruneOur thesis and expectations are based on DD since the high $0.30, with regular contact with management, channnel checks, clients in Can and US bus markets to check aainst what the management says about 'right sizing' , Beacon analysis, and other seven figure investors like us. with spread sheets better han than the very weak CFO at Bus.. spoken with BUS competitors about their plans in similar markets, etc .
Read between the careful lines of our posts. Management, if they dont wake up from their Aldergrove, west coast, sleepy, mini-micro cap malaise, are going to blow the awesome story and engineering lead time advantages, sales and partnership accomplishments, and investor interest that they have achieved. The Board of Directors, which s half the same people as management, and sadly has Trainer around as royal President, needs a great big kick in their lazy a$$es.
To wit, we all appreciate LaGourge as an investor relations fellow. But commubications efforts are horribly inadequate. When was the last photo op on any delivery. He has credibility east of the rockies as micro, mini microp cap gent. Doesnt get you much more than a meeting over a street vendor sausage on a bun on Bay Street.
We're as unhappy with management as any one else on this board. Our investment, like yours, is dependent on them. We believe they have a plan. They barely changed the C-suite and removed the CEO from being an exe member of the Board. That is soooooo not even basic governance that its almost worth reporting.
Best case, they have only weeks to prove that Jean Marc is a real CEO and not a puppet. They dont have until some unnannouced date in April for the CFO to do basic booking keeping. OMG!!!!!!!! Hello IIROC on reporting requirements.
We're on the edge too brother. It will be stay and play, or sell and tell, for us. They have 3 weeks. We'lll be positive or brutal.
By our account, approx 20% of this stock is held by very very private investors well above the people here and not so much below the stake of insiders. Its appalling how unable or arrogant the management and the Board has been to even understanding that its not just them and small retailers, while they cross blocks betwen themselves.
Everyone here ought to spare their time here, and engage management. They know now whether they met 200 deliveries at year end 2017. They missed. We all know that. We're all on the same page.What's the problem with getting that out and getting out a management update, finally not from Trainer, but from Landry.
Late Feb. Nothing from management. Next reporting not until late April 2018 on year end 2017? What are they smoking in Aldergrove?
Brothers in arms you two. Peace.