RE:RE:RE:JTI have a great deal of compassion for Indiginous Canadians, They have gotten a raw deal for sure..... I think that is self evident..... but, this victum thing has to change...... A treaty Indian, can get so many benefits that it is incredible, and maybe fair, full eduction, to a PHD..... full free....FREE, education in anything they want to do..... An allowance..... how much more can be done.....
People talk about water issues in every native comunity in Canada..... How come we have that issue?
So what you do is you drill wells and get good water...... This is the same thing every person who owns a cottage in the country knows......So what is the solution...... drill wells.....
So why dont those communities drill wells.....? I don't think the issue is money....maybe it is....
Anyway, the corruption on Indian Reserves, and the Casino business, and the smuggling of booze and tobacco and on and on...... It seems to me, their is not a lot of true leadership on those Indian Reserves....
At the same time, I have a lot of compassion for our native counrtymen.....