AnotherBig volume day with a steady s/p. I don't know if insiders are buying but someone is. Looks
like good support at this level so far after the bad release. I take this as a signal that this is
pretty much the bottom and represents good value. That Scotia guy is way out to lunch
calling for a $1.60 s/p but then again I don't give analysts much credence at the best of
times. They were all wrong on TKO for the 4th Q and so were no help to holders. To be
fair though, TKO mgmt kept the lid on so tight that not a peep got out until the release came
public. The best clues were holding back on the pro report and market action. If you put those
two together, you had to know something wasn't right. I saw that every day but still couldn't
bring myself to believe it but thankfully I have a pretty low average price and kept to my %
limit with strict discipline. I guess being retired saved my bacon because I used my spare
powder to buy income which was the right move for me to do.
MS: All the best and may TKO rise again like a phoenix from the ashes.