Desert Lion Energy (DLI) and AAB holdingSo I was looking at how many shares AAB holds in DLI. Based on last financial report AAB holds 3 415 384 shares of DLI. DLI has 46 306 155 outstanding shares. Let's see how DLI will do this week. DLI last financial placement received 1.82$ for each share they issued so this equals to an estimated value of 6.2 Millions dollars Aberdeen has in DLI, so cool!
If anyone can just verify my numbers just for precaution but if indeed theses are the correct numbers this will be exciting to watch.
One less private company in AAB holding now.....AAB getting more liquid and P/B should improve this week!
If anyone wants to speculate what AAB will do with the 15$ Millions cash if ILX deal goes thru as planned, I would like to hear from you (I don't want to be the only one talking here lol)
P.S. can't wait for LIX deal closure meanwhile DLI will steal the show this week!