RE:RE:RE:"I need a hero" music should be playing100% right you are LEO. There are & may be some brave souls who would confront an automatic weapon, but Trump is not one of them!
Good Lord, he avoided the draft, has publicly stated that he can’t stand the sight of blood and looks away, is a stated germaphobe, and can’t even criticize or confront Putin when he is in charge of the most powerful army in the world.
He has ignored his own children (didn’t speak to Don Jr. for 10 years) and cares more about what’s left of his hair than his younger son and so-called 3
rd wife. Check it out. With a lunatic like this in charge of a descendant superpower, it just makes solutions like PAT all the more necessary.
OR maybe we should arm teachers and let the (minority albeit) disgruntled/depressed/deranged ones shoot their students instead of slapping them.
Geez Louise!
LEOTHELION wrote: Trump is no adult. He has the intellect of a 4 year old; a narcissistic, morally bankrupt coward who would through his own children under a school bus if it meant he would get ahead. Good grief! How stupid could anyone actually be to support this buffoon. I feel badly for the millions and millions of wonderful Americans who are embarrassed to have this lying lunatic as their leader. God save America and the NRA. Bring on the "liberal snowflake" comment you dumba$$! - Got you on ignore anyway.