In 2010 investors paid $21.35 a share for eldorado!!!!Then it dropped fifty per-cent to $10.70 and others thought it was a steal,and started to buy it up.Then it dropped another fifty per-cent to $5.35 ,and still other investors got on board and still it dropped another fifty per-cent to $2.70 and this had to be the low,and again a new savvy group of investors climbed on board and now were at $1.35. Do you see the true picture unfolding,the first investors had to drop $10.70cents a share to lose half their investment ,you only have to drop 65 cents my friends to do the same. I just wish to put the point out ,that there is something wrong here,and the COLLAPSE of s/p has nothing to do with me telling it like it is.There could be LOTS of bad news coming forward yet.