My Eyes Only® MPVD classified informationFrom updated Mountain Province Diamonds web presentation : 25.13 carat Tuzo diamond (H) valued at $20,000 per carat, ~$500,000 total value. The largest gem quality diamond ever recovered from a drill core. BUT 67.87 carat gem quality 5034 diamond from the same presentation Does NOT Have Any Implied Appraised Value ,only picture!!!! The rest of big gem quality diamonds are tight lipps. Sheesh!!!! 85 dollars per carat overall.. Just Example Lucara Diamonds presentations Lucara Brand of Excep$onal Stones 40 Since produc0on commenced in 2012, the Karowe Mine has yielded many large excep0onal diamonds: 145 diamonds sold for > US$1.0M each totaling US$528M 93,400 carats totaling 3,242 diamonds > 10.8ct recovered since commencement of produc0on 73 gem quality diamonds > 100ct sold as individual lots 51 diamonds between 100ct 199ct 17 diamonds between 200ct 299ct 5 diamonds > 300ct For our Regular Tenders, +10.8ct specials contributes to approximately 50% of the total revenue The 813 carat Constella0on diamond sold in 2016 at a record price of US$ 63.1M Recovery of the 1,109 carat Lesedi La Rona in 2015, the worlds second largest gem quality diamond ever That is Mr. Major Shareholder Mountain Province Diamonds Corporative Policy. Dont worry be Happy!!!!! Cheers to all MPVD shareholders.