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betterU Education Corp V.BTRU.H

betterU Education Corp is a Canada-based education-to-employment technology company. The Company is focused on offering an end-to-end solution to automate skilling, reskilling and upskilling for companies operating on domestic and global scales. The Company provides a technology gateway and marketplace for online education. The Company collects online learning from content vendors, including universities, colleges, and corporations from worldwide and makes that content available to students. Its programs and features include individual skills development, corporate training, government, work-integrated learning and reseller/franchisee program. The Company sources, integrates, customizes, and delivers fragmented skills development programs across the organization. Its integrated platform provides technology, content library, customization, language options and solutions. Its subsidiaries include SkillsDox Inc. (SKC), SkillsDox India Private Limited (SKI) and 9194495 Canada Inc.

TSXV:BTRU.H - Post by User

Comment by SirHumpsAloton Mar 02, 2018 10:46am
Post# 27651309


RE:RE:Really?So they are asset light (They own SFA). They are aggregating courses from online educators? So they are nto developing anything new they are just using other players work. They are simply resellers.... how is this a long term viable business model? If all they do is use someone elses work and send it to india what happens when Indian buyers realize that they can skip the middle man OR that they can buy it else where for cheaper? What is BTRU delivering that another conmpany can not copy and do it for cheaper? BTRU will lay the foundation work for dozens of copycats. 
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