Corporate Presentation"Compelling opportunity to augment Gahcho Ku plant feed while mining through diluted kimberlite zone of Tuzo pipe starting in 2023 lead time required for permitting, engineering and development." Souce: Slide 19 of the February 2018 Corpoate Presentation. IMHO, this Slide 19 speaks volumes. First, it speaks of the need, common to most mines, to blend ore going through the mill, because ore grade is not evenly dispersed throughout a mine. Sometimes, you have to plow through low grade ore in order to reach higher grades. Looks like Kelvin and Faraday could solve this blending issue for GK. Second, this point in Slide 19 speaks of GK itself, not MPVD. GK = MPVD + DB. DB, too, will need higher grade ore for blending at its 51% owned mill. Does this mean DB will buy 51% of Kelvin and Faraday? Maybe. Then why didn't DB bid for KDI alongside MPVD? Well, because DB is a cumbersome bureaucracy and can't move fast enough. Or, maybe because DB doesn't like ALL of KDI's properties - DB is not known for exploring greenfields. Maybe DB wants only Kelvin and Faraday at this stage. I don't know. Nobody knows what DB thinks, but this is beginning to make sense. As to dividends, anything that increases profitability and longevity is good for dividends. MPVD should have more than enough cash flow to pay for both exploration and dividends. IMHO.