OTCPK:LYDIF - Post by User
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Ecolog67on Mar 05, 2018 12:58pm
Post# 27662073
The data Lydian has generated although insufficient
The data Lydian has generated although insufficient 1) Lydian has not acknowledged the severity of the acid mine drainage (AMD) problem associated with mining the Amulsar deposit. Their mitigation measures are based on incorrect assumptions about the kind of leachate the mine will be generating. Because Lydian will not acknowledge these problems, it is up to the Ministry of Nature Protection (MNP) to prevent pollution by re-evaluating the project and requiring improved protections.
2) The data Lydian has generated, although insufficient, are not wrong – but Lydian’s interpretation is incorrect. Their approach minimizes spending on environmental protection and risks extensive and long-term environmental contamination of Armenian water, soil, aquifers, and wildlife habitat.
3) The Armenian public and international AMD community know that the MNP is aware of the geochemical test work undertaken by Lydian and their plans for AMD control and that MNP have nonetheless approved these inadequate plans.
4) These two communities also know that significant concerns have been raised by international AMD experts and these have not been addressed in any substantive manner.
5) It has been made clear that the risk of long-term water degradation downstream of the mine site is unacceptably high and that the mitigation plans put in place do not conform to international best practice.
A complete collection of our technical reports and evaluations for the Lydian Amulsar Gold Project in Armenia can be found here https://goo.gl/fFpC5F.