All Is Not Well?From zoulou on hotcopper Artemis board:
"Thank you for the post. It was made clear to me at the AGM last year that the Radio Hill plant was NOT part of the joint venture, and that access was to be negotiated as and when required. I have lost confidence in any announcements from Novo as what they say is not what they then do. For instance if they have access to Radio Hill plant as suggested why are they bothering to ship 5 ton bulk samples all the way to SGS in Perth? There continues to be a deathly silence on the remaining 300 kg samples and where is the information on the 5/6 ton samples that were then subsequently dug up from Purdy's Reward, which are overdue as they were going to be turned around quickly. All their focus has shifted to Comet Well, which is not in the interests of the Pilbara gold story in general, but solely in the interests of Novo and its backers. You will recall the derogatory remarks concerning the Pilbara gold juniors riding coat tails, my strongest impression these days is that ARV is included in that group as far as Novo is concerned."
IMO DL doesn't care that much about Purdy's as he can process bulk tonnage from Patch 47. Also, a large operation at Purdy's would deplete his cash rapidly. Zoulou's points about the bulk samples are spot on. I'm thinking that Purdy's might just sit idle for several years as both sides go for bigger game.